Thursday, January 8, 2009

Can I get an Amen?

In the past few days, I've had the chance to take some time and reflect on this past year and to set some goals for the year 2009. Some new ideas birthed out of this time. Or maybe it was just old ideas but I was able to make tangible connections.. whatever the case here are some of those thoughts:

Being in urban ministry is a lot more like being a good neighbor than an overseer of different programs. Bob Lupton (seriously what a stud) says it best, "Programs are a poor substitute for what neighbors do best". There is a great deal of truth to that.. especially how it has played out in my ministry at Neighbor to Neighbor. If you dissected my job description it seems to fall in line with what a good neighbor should do.

For instance, I help out with transportation (van driver) to and from the center for various activities. I also try to be a good role model for the youth in the way I live my life and in the way that I engage them (through conversation, hanging out, playing basketball, etc.). And maybe most importantly, it's always at the forefront of my mind to restore or affirm one's dignity. Especially since my background comes more from the side of the 'oppresser' rather than the 'oppressed'. (I'm trying to think of things in more of that context than just black or white.)

Being white in urban ministry definitely has it's difficulties.. and something I struggle with the most is the temptation to take control and run the show. If I don't see something I like or I see something that I would rather have run a different way I have urges to step in and to not just make suggestions but to change it to fit my thinking. And if we want to take it a bit deeper, my 'thinking' is without a doubt shaped by my experience as a white male.

I'll never forget this one particular point that Dr. Soong Chan Rah made at the CCDA conference. These weren't his exact words, but he made a point about how white missionaries in urban areas need mentors who are non-white. Because what will eventually happen is you are more likely to become a colonizer instead of a missionary. Pushing our values and our way of thinking on other people. Which only works against restoring or affirming one's dignity. We are all created in the image of God.. and because of that we all have worth and value. Making each of our voices and insight essential. We (I) must never forget that.

So all that to say this, a big goal of mine for 2009 is to be in intentional/life-giving/reciprocal/communal relationships with non-white males. And what's amazing, is months before 2009 even started I met some guys who fit that criteria and have been such an encouragement to me.. praise God.. I mean seriously, can I get an Amen?

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